Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Trulia Blog About Real Estate in Thomasville, Georgia

By Kim Woodard, Wed Sep 1 2010, 05:13

Real Estate is no different than any other profession, there are bad apples in every bunch and it doesn't matter the state you are in either. Until we as professionals take things into our own hands by going to our local Assocations, State Associations and even National if we do not get a satisfactory outcome these things will continue to happen and give all REALTORS a bad name.

By I Love Thomasville Realtors, Tue Sep 14 2010, 10:40

I regret that you feel this way about the Realtors in Thomasville, Ga. I have been a Realtor for about 5 years here in town and have enjoyed working with all the Brokers and Realtors. I found it offending to read that the only thing we care about is the "commission." That is not true, but it is our only source of income. I worked with a Broker a few years ago who waived his brokerage fees and my commission so that a non-profit would be able to purchase a property. My partner and I go the "extra mile" to make sure that we get to closing whether is helping with closing costs, reducing our side of the commission, or paying for some of the repairs. I am sure like us there are many others in Thomasville who do the same. Naturally some Realtors have more listings and Buyers than others. But look at their track record, their commitment and years in this business. You can not compete with that. I suggest you attend more Realtor functions and get to know us, than make your judgement. As for BANNING your home at Sweetbriar: NOT TRUE. Maybe your agent isn't marketing right or just maybe it is way over priced. I have tried to show it to a few of my clients and they weren't interested. Number 1 it is on Sweetwater Dr. and there are only a couple of homes built on that side of the development (one was a foreclosure) and the remaining lots were sold at auction. The home is not on the lake. The tax records show that it has 2099 SF not 2100SF as on listing (you want to be "picky"). And if you do a CMA your home is at the high end price per square footage. The median price at Sweetbriar Lakes is $122.00 a SF. The home on Sweetwater is priced at $147.95 a SF. Eco friendly or not, no one wants to have the most expensive house on the block especially when who knows when the rest of those vacant lots will be sold and built out. So, no, I don't think Realtors are "banning" you or your home. Three years on the market is a long time.....and it's definitely not all our faults! Writing negative and defamatory comments is not going to encourage cooperation from Thomasville area Realtors to assist you in selling your property. As for calling all of us Realtors "dirt bags," this just shows the level of your education. For your own enlightment, a lot of us Realtors serve on local charity boards, donate our time & money for good causes, active in our church & communities. We support & encourage each other especially now in these troubling economic times. God Bless you and I truly pray that you have a change of heart about Thomasville, Georgia and it's Realtors.

By CHB Eco Custom Homes, Tue Sep 14 2010, 20:29

I regret that you feel this way about the Realtors in Thomasville, Ga. I have been a Realtor for about 5 years here in town and have enjoyed working with all the Brokers and Realtors.


It is really nice that most Realtors like each other so much or they are just scared to be banned. There are many people in Thomasville, GA that feels like me but they do not have the recourses like I do to get it out to the consumers. So, if you think it’s only me your mistakenly wrong.

I found it offending to read that the only thing we care about is the "commission." That is not true, but it is our only source of income. I worked with a Broker a few years ago who waived his brokerage fees and my commission so that a non-profit would be able to purchase a property.


To be honest, this is very hard to believe, this comment just confirms to me that agents from the same brokerage firm are showing and selling their own listings to maximize their income. As being a professional am sure you can verify this.

My partner and I go the "extra mile" to make sure that we get to closing whether is helping with closing costs, reducing our side of the commission, or paying for some of the repairs. I am sure like us there are many others in Thomasville who do the same.


If this helps you sleep at night more power to you. I could not imagine any firm or Realtor that does this I would be really shocked if this is even possible in this town.

Naturally some Realtors have more listings and Buyers than others. But look at their track record, their commitment and years in this business. You can not compete with that. I suggest you attend more Realtor functions and get to know us, than make your judgement.


I have dealt with quite a few Realtors in this town and heard of many others to tell you that just because they have a lot of listings with no customer support whatsoever or even putting any effort in their marketing makes them such a great Realtor. Like they teach you in real estate the more listings you have the more other Realtors can sell them for you. Am a builder, how would I attend your Realtor functions? What will that do for me?

As for BANNING your home at Sweetbriar: NOT TRUE. Maybe your agent isn't marketing right or just maybe it is way over priced.


This property has been with two main brokerages in town. The first and second brokerage firm their extend of advertising was a yard sign and in a local magazine. No efforts were made to find out what was so different about this home but yet these two brokerages in today’s market continue to misrepresent some of their listing by claiming them as being energy efficient just to jump on the bandwagon. Just because new window, new A/C and extra insulation were thrown on the attic DOES not make that home energy efficient. This shows the ignorance. These listings are deceiving the consumer and as you know that is against the code of ethics as representing your listing and yourself knowledgeable in an area that you are not but yet continues to happen.

There are procedures and documentations in place in order to claim a property as more efficient then what it was or built to be energy efficient. As for my agent’s marketing, the brokerage that has it has gone way beyond my expectations of marketing my property. You as a professional should be aware how the agency works, the listing agent does the marketing for other agents to bring the buyer and as you stated previously that my property is over priced this must be the opinion of Realtors in Thomasville and why this property has been sitting for two years. I would like for you to ex plain to me as a Realtor what gives you the right to tell your client that my property is overpriced without knowing what it has that makes it so different then any other house that is being built and sold either by a Realtors or a fly by night builder which seems to be the realm of Thomasville. This is the reason why home prices are so low. Simple because of Realtors that push the only thing they know SQUARE FOOTAGE and just make an offer.

I have tried to show it to a few of my clients and they weren't interested.


You claim that you tried to show this property this is doubtful that you did and if you did you were selling it as a standard spec home. There is no Realtor in Thomasville that can explain not even previous listing agents what features this home has except my listing agent that took the time and extended her education and became the first Realtor to understand what this home is and what it offers. If you in fact did do this you would not hide behind a bogus name to address me. I am certain that you are aware of the blue house bank owned in my subdivision the listing agent came to see my property specifically in order to price her listing.

Number 1 it is on Sweetwater Dr. and there are only a couple of homes built on that side of the development (one was a foreclosure) and the remaining lots were sold at auction. The home is not on the lake. The tax records show that it has 2099 SF not 2100SF as on listing (you want to be "picky").


I am so glad that this point was touched upon and I will have the pleasure to explain. (I will be picky) So buckle up, because we are now in the okay corral. The home that sold on the lake recently at Sweetwater Dr. is stated on public records as 2260 sq. ft and this property was listed by two brokerage with two different square footages one was at 2353 sq ft and the second brokerage thought it would be more appealing to state the square footage at 2400 sq. ft. This property could have been 2400 sq. ft on plans but when it got built it was built at 2260 sq. ft. Who is unethical here? So, in reality this spec home property sold at $139.98 per sq. ft. making it overpriced. I can go on with three years of documentation of similar if not worse with this problem. Yes, I understand that public records is not always correct but as a professional you should question why the difference because it is very customary here in Thomasville not to finish bonus rooms which at later dates are finished without permits because if it was done with permits public records would be updated to the correct square footage. There has to be a protocol not just for Realtors to be fast to use the square footage by owner. Since this seems to be the way to sell the home with less square footage price I will instruct to change the square footage to BY OWNER because public records has it incorrectly that will bring my square footage price to what you guys think it should be so you guys can show it and not tell your buyers that it is overpriced.

And if you do a CMA your home is at the high end price per square footage. The median price at Sweetbriar Lakes is $122.00 a SF. The home on Sweetwater is priced at $147.95 a SF. Eco friendly or not, no one wants to have the most expensive house on the block especially when who knows when the rest of those vacant lots will be sold and built out. So, no, I don't think Realtors are "banning" you or your home. Three years on the market is a long time.....and it's definitely not all our faults! Writing negative and defamatory comments is not going to encourage cooperation from Thomasville area Realtors to assist you in selling your property. As for calling all of us Realtors "dirt bags," this just shows the level of your education. For your own enlightment, a lot of us Realtors serve on local charity boards, donate our time & money for good causes, active in our church & communities. We support & encourage each other especially now in these troubling economic times. God Bless you and I truly pray that you have a change of heart about Thomasville, Georgia and it's Realtors.


This paragraph just confirms that you have no knowledge about Eco-Friendly and energy efficiency and what a custom home entails because if you only sell homes by their square footage what does that say about your education.

Realtors need to stay with the times and sorry to bring you to reality you will hear more about my type of custom green homes because the building industry is heading that way and standard or mediocre building practices is not sufficient anymore.

People who are truthful about themselves and know who they are do not have to advertise their good deeds. My opinion of Thomasville is that it is a great town but to change my opinion of some Realtors remains to be seen. Until Realtors stop making accusations that my property is overpriced and take some effort to learn and inform themselves and their clients the property features and the difference between a spec home to a custom green home I will continue to bring awareness. You as a professional have other ways to sell a property then compare what property is the cheapest per square footage. Sellers in Thomasville are hurting and for a Realtor to tell them that their next door neighbor is selling for $86.00 square foot and compare those low end homes to their home and to sell cheaper to me that is just wrong. Remember I am a builder living next door to these homes that are being built. I personally would not sell one of these homes to my worst enemy, also my homes are not resold after one year purchase. I will be more then glad to sit with you and tell you how Thomasville Realtors took me to my current opinion. Can we all work together? The ball is on your court.

Our Custom Features to local fly by night builders and Realtor's who are also building and selling their own in Thomasville, Georgia: